Webster’s dictionary defines “style” as “A distinctive appearance, typically determined by the principles according to which something is designed.’ Well I define it as these two gentlemen. Young at heart, old at age, Mr. Walters holds no reserves of his self expression; for he knows life is fleeting and fashion, even more so. The striking combination of tan khakis and black vans compliment the muted button down and accentuate his “hand me down chic” aesthetic. His outfit can only be accurately described in one timeless sentence: “Crazy hair, don’t care.”
Mr. Lai on the other hand is the exemplar of elegance, this simple composition of a button down and black shoes is both suave and casual. It communicates a sense of longing. Perhaps a lost love—or a lost pencil? Only Mr. Lai knows. It’s his world after all, we’re just living in it. Students report he often rolls his sleeves up past his elbows, a simple yet dangerous modification to the button down shirt that has earned him the moniker “The Bad Boy of Pre-Calculus.” (TBBOPC, if you will.)