Student Government – What You Need To Know

November 22, 2022
Are you confused about the PCS student government, what they do, and what they are in charge of? These questions are commonly asked, and these are the answers!
How does the election work, and how often are they?
There are two elections, one at the beginning of the year and one near the end. During the beginning of the year’s election, you will be sent a Google Form that lets you choose this year’s executives and senators. You will be asked to rank your choices of 3 total senators for your grade. Potential executive candidates are chosen through interviews with the current student body presidents. When they are approved, they enter the beginning-of-the-year election. During the election at the end of the year, you will be voting for next year’s presidents.
How do I apply to become a part of the Student Government?
You can apply to become a grade senator using a google form, which asks you about your interests, why you want to join student government, what you think you would contribute, and more. To become an executive, you apply using the same Google form. Afterward, you are interviewed by the current presidents. You can also be active in the PCS community by attending school meetings and events; this can also help you fulfill your community service hours. By doing this, you can gain rapport with school officials, increasing your chance of being accepted into student government positions.
What does student government actually do? What are they in charge of?
Student government organizes events, students of the grading periods, and runs Snack Shack. There are three committees under the event organizing group: The Dance Committee handles dances like prom and the Winter Formal, the Spirit Committee organizes spirit weeks, rallies, and other special events, and the Community Committee is in charge of community dinners, and fun events like the Koosh Ball Olympics and Trivia nights. Aside from these committees, the Senators are in charge of grade-level events. Most are community service-oriented, so you can get community service hours through volunteering.
To conclude, the Student Government at PCS is very important to the community. They organize events like dances, spirit weeks, community dinners, and grade-level events. Elections are held twice a year; one is to elect senators, while the other is to elect presidents. By reading this article, I hope you better understand how the student government works.