A Brief Recap of the Presidential Primaries
March 28, 2016
About half of the states have held primaries so far, and Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are still in the lead. Despite Trump’s extreme views, racist and misogynistic tendencies, and failed past businesses, he is still managing to rake in the majority of the votes for the Republican party. Ted Cruz is following shortly behind him. Marco Rubio, the third in the race for the Republican nomination, recently suspended his campaign, and is no longer running for president, leaving only Trump, Cruz, and Kasich. Kasich has the fewest delegates, and is the most moderate of the Republicans. In the Democratic party, Clinton is winning against Bernie Sanders, a popular candidate among the younger generations, by 314 delegates as of March 17.
Super Tuesday was March 1, when 12 states held their primaries at once. Following the
trend, both Clinton and Trump won the majority primaries for their respective parties, with Sanders and Cruz following shortly behind. In many states, Clinton has won by a very small margin, making it important for everyone to vote, no matter whom they’re voting for.